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Cosplayer and dancer Bri a.k.a. Sakurabrii from Florida

For those who don't know you, can you say something about yourself?

Hi! I’m Bri and my cosplay username is Sakurabrii. I cosplay and film dance covers for my Instagram and Youtube. I love cosplaying from idol and magical girl series!

What do you do in your free time?

In my free time I usually use it to work on cosplays and get photo shoots in them! Also I spend my nights practicing dance covers!

Favorite garment?

My favourite garment is my flower bouquet Honoka cosplay! I feel like it fits me the best and I always feel super confident in it!

Do you have any phobias?

I do have a phobia of being submerged under water. It does sound a bit silly but that’s why I don’t ever get in pools or the ocean.

Do you like attention?

I do like the attention wearing cosplays brings when I’m at a convention. I love when people ask me for photos!

In the end, do you have something to say to the readers?

Hmm.. my last thoughts to the readers would be that anyone can cosplay! It doesn’t matter who you are, if you have fun cosplaying you should definitely do it! Cosplaying can be stressful at times, but in the end I always have the best memories while cosplaying with my friends!

You can follow Sakurabrii on Instagram and Youtube.
