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Users on Reddit were asked what was their strongest addiction - check some of the answers

A Reddit user named u/DarkMagicNight asked a question on the Ask Reddit subreddit:  what is your lowest dependency?

Check out some of the people’s answers below.

The user brinabobina may have the most popular answer, which is:

Cocaine. I'm almost a year clean but didn't stop thinking about it for months after getting clean. There are phantom highs that hurt your mental state because it feels like your lips and nose and face are numb. I would crave it so heavily sometimes I had to sit with my head in my hands and hold my breath; my thoughts were "if I'm not inhaling coke, why am I breathing?". 

It's an intense craving, both physically and mentally. My therapist had to explain that I was still obsessed with it even though I wasn't in active addiction.

I still think about it every day, just not every hour or every minute like long ago. The main reason I don't do it anymore is because of how expensive it is, I would spend at least $80/night on it. Am I happier now? I don't know, but I'm not stressing about how much blow I have left. Just about to be 11 months clean. It's possible, but it's hard.

Another user named Dsgorman wrote that he does not go to bed when he is very tired.

Ihatetendonitis replied:

I wouldn’t say this is my worst addiction but this is definitely me. For me it’s because night time is the only time I have to myself that is quiet and peaceful so I stay up playing games until 1am every night and I have to get up around 5:30am so I am always tired and miserable all day but then night time rolls around and the kids/wife are sleeping and I get a second wind and wanna enjoy my quiet time.

User memernumber420 was brief: he wrote that his addiction is Reddit.

Tinkerellyxo wrote that he was addicted to the phone.

Out of all the answers u/DarkMagicNight mentioned to me that Golf was his favorite answer that people gave  

For more answers visit this link
