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Lana - I love exploring everything new, and exploration is really important to me

I noticed that you are a Gemini? People say that Gemini people are talkative, is that true?

Hahha, well, yes, I am! And I'm used to tell people a black humour joke about being Gemini: we're one of a few humans between all the rest of animals of the zodiac. A fact good enough to call us being talkative, isn't it?

Hahha, BUT what comes to me - I hate phone calls, all kinds of, it's just not my thing, i have no patience to have that "dead conversation", i prefer to meet instead, have a glass of wine, coffee, whatever, but exchange the enegery together with emotions while talking about whatever and as long as the meeting lasts. If i chat with you, send voice messages or have that rare call, you must be very special and must be living too far away to meet up.

Also, my private space is extremely important to me, so there are periods when i prefer to stay all alone with Myself & I (as we're always together, two of us, hahha). I'm sure you can see that alfa-Gemini even in my answer to that question.

You travel a lot, what is your favourite place and why?

Travelling is one of my main sources of inspiration.

I love everything new and exploring is really important to me. You ask about my fav place and the question itself makes the answer almost impossible.

There are more than a few places I'm getting back to for purpose to refuel myself with different kinds of energy. If i still have to pick one, I'll go with the only place so far that brought me to tears - Disneyland.

It's a place where I feel freedom, the age doesn't matter and I can feel the spirit of my childhood. During my 1st visit, me and my sister, both being adults, were sitting on the ground after the sunset watching the great final show on the Sleeping Beauty's Castle, with all the splendid fireworks, fountains, episodes of so well-known cartoons and OMG - THE SONGS!!! That was the culmination point.

And that's me who's been looking at the Alps from the Top of Europe, had a helicopter flight over Russia and witnessed Sistine Chapel in Vatican. But, yeah, Disneyland made me cry, in the best meaning of this word.

Whats your favourite band/song?

Choosing favourites is not my thing. There are many bands i love equally and for different reasons whether it's the show or vocals or just my friends, as well as would be waiting with equal excitement to see them live.

Fav song changes all the time and depends on my mood or what i feel atm or what melody is spinning around in my head. In this very moment while writing the answer and for the last week or something it's "My Constellation" by Lord of the Lost. This is just SO. DAMN. BEAUTIFUL.

What are your favorite clothes?

Talking about the style, of course it's all about and around gothic and rock'n'roll stuff. I'm a fan of kickassy boots, sexy dresses, creepy tops, teared jeans, 'leather' jackets and unusual bags made of velvet, plastic, any other material, but in a cool interesting shape.

Despite all my passion for gothicness, I do not mind being 'colourful' . If i want, i can wear a summer flower ornament dress or comfy minion pajama. If i feel comfortable and confident, it's my thing, if not, then even a super duper crop top will be left on the shelf of the shop.

What’s the weirdest question you’ve been asked?

The weirdest question... Hmm... Had to remember now all of my dates or Q&A sessions on Instagram, but nothing that weird comes to my mind. Rather inappropriate like about sending nudity, feet pics or meeting someone i don't even know. People are more weird than even their questions sometimes.

What were you like as a kid?

I was a pure evil, nightmare of all parents, disaster on a universal level. Seriously. I had nicknames like Terminator, Matrix... I've been that type of a kid who wanted to burn fields, fill condoms with water and throw them from the 10th floor, cut and dye my own hair, see what happens if i shave my arms, what's inside the frog, my interest to anatomy was high on all levels.

All of it brought lots of troubles to my parents and grannies back then. Though I've never been aggressive to other people and all what I've done, I've done for exploring and experimental purposes. Once my childhood was over, I've started to grow up moving in a totally different direction. I've become a leading pupil, student, calm, loving, respecting and caring person. While looking back now, I'm even happy I had such a childhood full of adventures and experiences, if I wouldn't do all of that then, maybe I wouldn't be who I am now.

What's your most embarrassing childhood memory?

Since you already know what type of a kid I was, it's easy to pick that kind of a story for me hahha. I was used to go to a Catholic school (just like Marilyn Manson did, well, you see the result in how it helps hahha), and every August there's a pilgrimage organised by church to a certain basilica in my home country for celebrating The Assumption.

You walk miles and miles for about 7 days with a group of faithful people, sleeping in different places which are on the way, like monasteries, tents etc. A few grannies were so kind to offer us their garden, food, shower. In the morning while saying 'goodbye', our priest trusted me to hold a big wooden cross (c'mon man, i was 8 y.o.), after the prayer, everyone was doing that cross sign, so I've decided to repeat the movement with that wooden cross over those grannies to actually bless them, but ended up in bumping their heads and them falling down like bowling pins.

What has been your best/worst date?

All of the best ones i will leave in my own memory. What comes to worst, i have 2 equally awful in my mind: one is too boring to even mention, the other one was with a guy passionate about video games, which was ok for me as I thought we would have a nice evening like talking, playing, eating, drinking, turned out all the snacks i brought were not even touched, no offer for even making me a coffee and just like Cinderella lost her glam by the midnight, he turned into a complete Zombie when we've started to play for 4 damn hours!!!

All of my questions were answered with maximum of 2 words, offer to go for a nice walk as the evening seems magical got ignored and I swear I could walk out of the room and he wouldn't even notice. Later when I was up to leave he said: "Ok, next time I'll show you the World of Warcraft and we can play something better", I've started to laugh that silly laughter, you know, when you're fascinated to the bones, said thanks and left.

You can follow Lana Banaanaa on Instagram.

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  1. You're such an interesting and funny personality!

  2. damn lana ur story about wooden cross killed me ��

  3. Ты классная))) сколько тебе лет?

  4. Didn't know Manson attended catholic school like seriously?

    1. That's what he said in a few interviews, can't tell if it's true

  5. u totally nailed it about geminis high five lmao

    1. Was more about what type of a Gemini i am, i know some who talk non stop like a radio even on the phone

  6. Jesus de Los Rios RomeroJuly 14, 2021 at 9:59 PM

    Beautiful Lana! Much love from Mallorca!

  7. hi lana! Any tv series you watch or recommend to watch? Im into mystic, horror and all that
    thank you

    1. Penny Dreadful with Eva Green, Lucifer..

  8. Do you support LGBT?

    1. I still can't get where's the freedom of choices, why people can't get it's not their business whom other people choose to love and why do lgbt people are getting bullied and have no rights in some countries. And that's while there are still religiously based wars in some parts of the world... That's the full answer to your question.

  9. Disneyland has my heart! You seem to be a very sweet person :)

  10. Guy deserves a shoutout so someone can shout the shit out of him. Being next to such a beauty and playing video games

  11. send me nudes xDxDxDxDxD

  12. Love the train picture

  13. Beautiful and interesting woman

  14. If I make you a drawing portrait, would you be my friend? :D

    1. Do you think that friendship has a price? Hahha :D


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